An ordinary meeting of the General Assembly shall be convened in respect of every two calendar years after the expiry of the second of the two calendar years, at a time and place decided by the General Assembly, provided however that such meeting shall be held not later than the expiry of four months from the end of the second of the two calendar years. The Secretary General shall dispatch the invitations and the provisional agenda for an ordinary meeting of the General Assembly to all Members at least 90 days prior to the date fixed for such meeting.
The Secretary General shall dispatch to all Members the copies of audited accounts and financial reports for the preceding two financial years, and the programme of work and budget for the current calendar year and the next calendar year at least 14 days prior to the date fixed for an ordinary meeting of the General Assembly.
The provisional agenda for an ordinary meeting of the General Assembly shall include the following items:
a ) the adoption of the agenda;
b ) the report of the Executive Committee Members on the activities of the Association during the previous two calendar years;
c ) the report of the Executive Committee Members on the financial affairs of the Association, including the audited statement of accounts for the previous two financial years;
d ) the proposed programme of work and the budget for the current financial year and the next financial year;
e ) election of the Chairman and the Vice-Chairman in terms of the paragraph 5 of Article VI in Part I of the Regulations;
f ) election of the members of the Executive Committee Members mentioned in paragraph 1 (b) of Article VII in Part I of the Regulations;
g ) the appointment of the Secretary General;
h ) the appointment of the auditor(s);
i ) any proposals to amend the regulations;
j ) determination of the annual membership fee and the admission fee;
k ) any reports of subsidiary ad hoc bodies and working groups; and
l ) any other business.
The Vice-Chairman shall exercise the powers and perform the functions of the Chairman at a meeting of the General Assembly, if the Chairman so requests or if the Chairman is not present. If, however, neither the Chairman nor the Vice-Chairman is able to take the chair at such meeting, the General Assembly shall elect a pro tem Chairman from among the members for such meeting.
The Chairman shall summon an extraordinary meeting of the General Assembly:
a ) at the request of the General Assembly, or
b ) at the request of the Executive Committee Members, or
c ) at the request of the Members representing not less than one fourth of the Represented Countries.
The Executive Committee Members shall determine the provisional agenda as well as the date, time and place of an extraordinary meeting of the General Assembly, taking into account the purpose for which the meeting is to be convened. Decisions at an extraordinary meeting shall ordinarily be taken only on matters mentioned in the provisional agenda for such meeting. The invitation and the provisional agenda for such meeting shall be dispatched to the Members by the Secretary General not less than 40 days prior to the date fixed for the meeting.
The Executive Committee Members shall determine the provisional agenda as well as the date, time and place of a general meeting of the General Assembly provided for in Article VI (1) (b) of the Regulations. The invitation and the provisional agenda for such meeting shall be dispatched to the Members by the Secretary General not less than 60 days prior to the date fixed for the meeting. If a Member has any matter to be taken up at such meeting, it shall communicate such matter to the Secretary General to reach him not later than 21 days prior to the date fixed for the meeting, and on receipt of the same the Secretary General shall forthwith circulate it among the Members.
An ordinary meeting of the General Assembly shall be convened in respect of every two calendar years after the expiry of the second of the two calendar years, at a time and place decided by the General Assembly, provided however that such meeting shall be held not later than the expiry of four months from the end of the second of the two calendar years. The Secretary General shall dispatch the invitations and the provisional agenda for an ordinary meeting of the General Assembly to all Members at least 90 days prior to the date fixed for such meeting.
The Secretary General shall dispatch to all Members the copies of audited accounts and financial reports for the preceding two financial years, and the programme of work and budget for the current calendar year and the next calendar year at least 14 days prior to the date fixed for an ordinary meeting of the General Assembly.
The provisional agenda for an ordinary meeting of the General Assembly shall include the following items:
a ) the adoption of the agenda;
b ) the report of the Executive Committee Members on the activities of the Association during the previous two calendar years;
c ) the report of the Executive Committee Members on the financial affairs of the Association, including the audited statement of accounts for the previous two financial years;
d ) the proposed programme of work and the budget for the current financial year and the next financial year;
e ) election of the Chairman and the Vice-Chairman in terms of the paragraph 5 of Article VI in Part I of the Regulations;
f ) election of the members of the Executive Committee Members mentioned in paragraph 1 (b) of Article VII in Part I of the Regulations;
g ) the appointment of the Secretary General;
h ) the appointment of the auditor(s);
i ) any proposals to amend the regulations;
j ) determination of the annual membership fee and the admission fee;
k ) any reports of subsidiary ad hoc bodies and working groups; and
1 ) any other business.
The Vice-Chairman shall exercise the powers and perform the functions of the Chairman at a meeting of the General Assembly, if the Chairman so requests or if the Chairman is not present. If, however, neither the Chairman nor the Vice-Chairman is able to take the chair at such meeting, the General Assembly shall elect a pro tem Chairman from among the members for such meeting.
The Chairman shall summon an extraordinary meeting of the General Assembly:
a ) at the request of the General Assembly, or
b ) at the request of the Executive Committee Members, or
c ) at the request of the Members representing not less than one fourth of the Represented Countries.
The Executive Committee Members shall determine the provisional agenda as well as the date, time and place of an extraordinary meeting of the General Assembly, taking into account the purpose for which the meeting is to be convened. Decisions at an extraordinary meeting shall ordinarily be taken only on matters mentioned in the provisional agenda for such meeting. The invitation and the provisional agenda for such meeting shall be dispatched to the Members by the Secretary General not less than 40 days prior to the date fixed for the meeting.
The Executive Committee Members shall determine the provisional agenda as well as the date, time and place of a general meeting of the General Assembly provided for in Article VI (1) (b) of the Regulations. The invitation and the provisional agenda for such meeting shall be dispatched to the Members by the Secretary General not less than 60 days prior to the date fixed for the meeting. If a Member has any matter to be taken up at such meeting, it shall communicate such matter to the Secretary General to reach him not later than 21 days prior to the date fixed for the meeting, and on receipt of the same the Secretary General shall forthwith circulate it among the Members.