• APRACA Newsletter Vol.7 issue 4

    APRACA Newsletter Vol.7 issue 40

    From the Desk of Secretary Genera l: The Year 2020: Cha llenges vis-à-vis Responses APRACA unveils the FINSMART series of Webinars to continue the knowledge exchange events for member institutions Activities of APRACA Secretariat –  APRACA Secretary General meet with representatives from Numer8 and AquaConnect to discuss possible partnership to improve flow of finance toREAD MORE
  • APRACA Newsletter Vol.7 Issue 1, 2 & 3

    APRACA Newsletter Vol.7 Issue 1, 2 & 30

    72nd EXCOM meeting of APRACA in virtual mode Activities of APRACA Secretariat Meeting with the representatives from UNDP, Iran and UNESCAP, Bangkok on 20 January 2020 Secretary General of APRACA was invited to join the ‘Asia Finance Forum (AFIFORM)’ held in Bangkok during 22-23 January 2020 Officials from FAO Head Quarters visited APRACA Secretariat duringREAD MORE
  • APRACA Newsletter Vol.6 Issue 4

    APRACA Newsletter Vol.6 Issue 40

    APRACA Co-hosted the 6th World Congress on Rural and Agricultural Finance Activities of APRACA Secretariat APRACA Secretary General visited India International Trade Fare held in New Delhi, India during 12-13 October 2019 APRACA hosted the SAFIN Learning event on Blended Finance in Bangkok during 14-15 October 2019 APRACA Secretary General invited to join IFAD SupervisionREAD MORE
  • APACA Newsletter Vol.6 Issue 3

    APACA Newsletter Vol.6 Issue 30

    3rd Steering committee meeting on organizing the 6th World Congress on Rural and Agricultural Finance Activities of APRACA Secretariat APRACA and BFIN jointly hosted the ‘Leadership Development Programme for Employees Provident Fund (EPF), Nepal’ in Bangkok during 8-12 July 2019 APRACA participated in the 2nd Mekong Knowledge and Learning Fair of IFAD held in Bangkok

  • APACA Newsletter Vol.6 Issue 2

    APACA Newsletter Vol.6 Issue 20

    71st Executive Committee (EXCOM) Meeting of APRACA held in Tokyo hosted by Japan Finance Corporation Activities of APRACA Secretariat The Japan Finance Corporation and APRACA jointly organized Regional Policy forum on ‘Establishing Resilience against Climatic Shocks: Role of financial Institutions’ on 6 June 2019 APRACA organized the Learning and Exposure visits programme on Agricultural Value

  • APACA Newsletter Vol.6 Issue 1

    APACA Newsletter Vol.6 Issue 10

    Globa l Dissemination Workshop on Pro-poor Rura l and Agricultura l Finance Best Practices Activities of APRACA Secretariat Activities of APRACA Secretariat APRACA Centre of Excellence (ACE) in Bankers Institute of Rural Development (BIRD) organized International Training Programme held in Lucknow, India during 14-18 January 2019 APRACA participated in Asia Finance Forum held in Bangkok