1. The provisions of Part II of the Regulations may be amended, or their operation may be suspended:
    1. a )     by a decision of the General Assembly taken in the manner provided in paragraph 7 (a) of Article VI of the Regulations, provided that the proposed suspension or amendment has been announced in a plenary meeting and the text of the proposal has been distributed among the Members present at the meeting not less than 24 hours before it is taken up for consideration at the meeting; or
    2. b )     where in the opinion of the Executive Committee Members, such suspension of operation of or amendment to a provision is urgent, by a decision of the General Assembly taken in the manner provided in paragraph 7(b) of Article VI of the Regulations.

Excerpt from the Thai Commercial Code Association/26

Section 104. When a case under Section 102 happens, an interested person may request the Registrar to have the name of the Association struck off the register. If the Registrar fails to comply with the request and does not inform the person who made the request of the reasons within a reasonable period of time, or the reasons given by the Registrar are not satisfied by the person having made the request, he may apply to the Court for dissolution of the association.

Section 105. When an association is to be dissolved under Section 101 (1)(2)(3) or (4), the Committee of the association that holds the office at the time of dissolution of the association shall inform the Registrar of the dissolution within fourteen days from the date of such dissolution.

In the case where an association is declared bankrupt by a final judgment or order of the Court under Section 101 (5), or is dissolved by a final order under Section 104, the Court shall notify the Registrar of the said judgment or order.

The Registrar shall publish such dissolution in the Government Gazette.

Section 106. Upon dissolution of an association, the liquidation of the association shall be made, and the provisions in Book III, Title 22 on Liquidation of Registered Partnerships, Limited Partnerships and Limited Companies shall apply to the liquidation of the association, mutatis mutandis.

Section 107. After liquidation, the remaining assets, if any, cannot be distributed among the members of the association. They shall be transferred to such other association or foundation, or any juristic person whose object is of charity purposes as may be designated in the regulations, or if no name designated in the regulations, by the resolution of the association in general meeting. If no transferee of the said assets has been designated by the regulations or by the resolution of the association in general meeting, or if designated but it is unable to comply herewith, the remaining assets shall belong to the State.

Section 108. Any person may, on application to the Registrar, inspect the documents relating to an association kept by the Registrar, or request for certified copies of the said documents to be delivered to him by the Registrar, and the Registrar shall comply therewith after payment of such fee as may be prescribed by the Ministerial Regulations has been made.