Iran National Environmental Fund as a non-governmental and public entity associated with the Department of Environment is established on 2014 for the purpose of environmental pollutants reduction, the prevention of environmental degradation, the protection and preservation of the environment as well as restoration and sustainable exploitation of the environment.
The activity scope of the Fund is all over the country and it’s head-quarter is located in Tehran.
The fund will fund raising from:
1. Donations by the government in conformity with regulations
2. Donations and contributions by national non-governmental natural and legal persons
3. International Donations and contributions
3. Turnovers and earnings due to the activities of the Fund and subsidiary units after the determination of expenses.
4. Other earnings and financial resources within the framework of law and relevant regulations.
The fund’s scope and fields of activities include:
1. Financial resources mobilization and distribution to the achievement of Fund’s objectives.
2. Granting financial facilities to factories, manufactures and generally any pollutant sources in favor of environmental pollutant reduction
3. Granting financial facilities with the purpose of the prevention of environmental degradation by preservation, restoration and management of biodiversity (including habitats, ecosystem, spices and genes)
4. Financial supports for and cooperation with environmental programs and projects as well as ecotourism programs
4. Financial supports for and cooperation with educational and cultural programs for the improvement of environmental status
5. Granting financial facilities to environmental researchers and inventors towards extending and complementing researches for intense production and public use of control equipment and pollution reduction
The fund can provide facilities and necessary conditions of insuring livestock, gardens, and agricultural products against damages caused by protected and endangered wild animals as well as paying insurance fees from fund’s resources and credits.